Saturday, July 11, 2020

ELEKTRA'S REVENGE: Kindle version out now!

They approved my long-ass book SHOCKINGLY fast! Good thing it is, as David Wolin put it, "surprisingly socialist"--till you get to the dark and thrilling yet somehow amusing conclusion. ELEKTRA'S REVENGE is now available in the pre-cover-art, you-may-humiliate-me Kindle version, in which you pay me a cursory fee to not only behold the giant cosmic sitcom I have described/built, but also to tell me about all my typos. Consider it a kind of internship. You read this for the exposure.


  1. Owch. Your great beauty aint gonna
    save thee, dear (for taking God's
    Name in vain). Solution? Better re-
    pent and soon. Why? 1-outta-1 bites-
    the-dust, baby, and you certainly R
    no different than the Vox Populi.
    Neither am I. Dontya love how Im so
    humble? I do as this proves:
    ♡ ♡
    Love you.
    Cya soon.

    1. ...besides, dear, dontya
      wanna meet me Upstairs?
      We could party-hardy.
      I aint going down.
      JMJ + SOS


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