Monday, July 14, 2014

I may live to regret saying this...

... but if you want to annoy yourself with another example of screaming mommy privilege, friend me on Facebook. This thread captures all of breeder entitlement's greatest hits, leaping in a single bound from calling people conservatives to calling them Nazis to refusing to continue the conversation because someone else JUST WON'T ADMIT THEY'RE WRONG... and then I get invited to don a burqa and die, which is actually kind of original.



  1. Damn it! I wanted to see this.
    written by: "sick-of-paying-for-idiots'-decisions-to-breed", aka "Anonymous"

  2. Ha! Sick of paying for them indeed. I don't recall rejecting any friend requests on Facebook in the past couple of days; I wouldn't tell anyone your name. But giving up your anonymity even slightly just to see an idiot call people Nazis may or may not be worth it.


Anyone can post, but please, if you want to be anonymous, come up with an amusing handle so we can tell you apart. Thanks!