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Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The Talkative Corpse, reviewed by Frank Marcopolos

Though I've learned the dangers of hope, I can't help getting a teeny bit excited by this review of THE TALKATIVE CORPSE—my recent, third or fourth novel, depending on how you count—by Frank Marcopolos. Disclosure: yes, Frank and I have been friends for years. But we started out as writing buddies, i.e. we were drawn together due to mutual talents, so don't discount what he has to say on the subject. The book is, for me, surprisingly cathartic.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Interview: THE TALKATIVE CORPSE, THE BIG CLICK, Frank Marcopolos, and screw-top wine

Frank interviews me for his humorous yet informative series of literary podcasts. We discuss suicidal impulses and the new publishing industry, squid literacy, passion vs postmodernism in the use of metafictional devices, the surrrealness of being sober, and bizarre suburban mallscapes.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Well, I didn't remind you.

Long story. But anyway, YOU ARE LISTENING is now up on THE BIG CLICK ZINE,

It's free to read my story, but I suggest you give them some money. They don't ask for much, they're fighting the good fight, and... heheh... they gave ME some money.



Monday, July 8, 2013

Oh, but on the bright side!

My latest slice o' fictional/dystopian misery is about the be immortalized in The Big Click webzine! Which is full of great shit if you like a depressing/crime related read. For those who are somehow unaware (and many seem to be, since the only things on Amazon that sell worse than my books are freeze-dried slug vomit and illegal exotic pet corpses), I do write fiction. And having people read it is one of those things that pops my brain with enough endorphins to make things seem OK for a little while. Though not long enough for me to get preggers, don't you worry. Ohhhh no. Anyway, reading this will cost ya little to nothing, so what do you have to lose? Besides what's left of your innocence, my child. Of course.

And yes, it will be a week or so before my story actually goes live, and yes, damn sure I will remind you.